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Dear Customer, We have launched AI powered KYC & KYB facility for New customer account opening.

Access the latest innovation in payments

We’re at the forefront of cutting-edge industry initiatives to make the latest innovations available to our customers.

Confirmation of Payee

Confirmation of Payee gives greater assurance payments are going to the right recipients. Reduce the risk of fraud and protect your business, your money and your customers. 

We are the first non-bank or building society to support the new Confirmation of Payee scheme run by Pay.UK, which validates account details.

Lenders, we also offer a standalone Confirmation of Payee API to check payee details before disbursing loans.

Prevent fraud

Reduce the risk of authorised push payment (APP) fraud. APP fraudsters steal £479m every year.

Customer peace of mind

Fight back against accidental or incorrectly entered bank details.

Make Faster Payments safer

With ever shrinking settlement windows, you need a way of protecting customers without delaying accurate payments.

Reduce set up errors

We're all prone to errors, especially when we're filling out fiddly payment boxes in a rush. Prefill payment details for the customer.